Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The 5th Wheel Needs YOU!

The 5th Wheel needs to recruit some agents from the JAD and PIO regions of our country to help cover their respective Fall Conventions this weekend. The 5th Wheel already has an agent in the ONT District. Would a brave soul please come forward and represent their District so that thousands may reap the rewards from your information?

The 5th Wheel wants to have available to its readers the scores from your District's contests- THE MOMENT they are announced. We'll give you a few minutes if you are a slow text messenger. The point is, we don't want to have to wait until Sunday or Monday to know if the Beloit Chapter is going to rank higher in the chorus summary than my chapter. THESE THINGS ARE IMPORTANT TO US BARBERSHOPPERS! Please contact us at to get enlisted. We can give you more details.

Good hunting!

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