Thursday, October 9, 2008

EDITOR of The Harmonizer SPEAKS! BOW your head!

Hey Folks, The 5th Wheel received an email from your Harmonizer Editor, The "incomparable" Lorin May! (cue applause) Lorin wanted to share some information with you regarding the upcoming Harmonizer release. We're talking about the cool one with all the International Convention coverage containing pictures (YEA!) and great editorial commentary.

"Still working on the convention spread, hoping to get it into reader hands sometime before our NEXT convention in Anaheim. (I lost a lot of time this summer while participating in the roughest cross-country move in world history. Okay, the Donner Party had it worse. But just barely.) Anyway, we’re cutting down on pages to save time and money, which means I’m going to have to be more selective about what goes in. I’ll still try to keep the tone snarky, but please ask your vast Fifth Wheel audience what, if anything, HAS to go in the spread. An interesting fact? A shot you hope we got? A summary of Harmonet kvetching during the contest? (Boo!) Send suggestions to The more clever and original the suggestions, the more likely I am to steal them and use them without attribution. So please fire away folks!"

Lorin wants to hear from you. Any stories, pictures or thoughts on the convention, please send them to him asap!

I don't know about you, but The 5th Wheel LOVES what Lorin has done with the Harmonizer. It's creative, fun to read, lots of pictures (The 5th Wheel likes books with pictures) and great articles that are informative. Our only complaint is that it's a bi-monthly magazine. Send your suggestions to Lorin and at the end say something nice. It's a thankless job where the creator doesn't get much credit. The 5th Wheel recognizes quality when we see it, we just can't write it.

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