The 5th Wheel would like to celebrate the Halloween season with a little ghost story. Before you read on, make sure to turn off all the lights, huddle the family close to the computer monitor and prepare for a scary story from our favorite coach, Cindy Hansen.
From Cindy Hansen:
Now that Halloween is near, I can share this true story with all of you. Some of you may or may not believe in ghost and spirits. But I am here to tell you, now- "I'm a believer!" (Lyrics by The Monkees- Hansen only quotes from the best.)
From Cindy Hansen:
Now that Halloween is near, I can share this true story with all of you. Some of you may or may not believe in ghost and spirits. But I am here to tell you, now- "I'm a believer!" (Lyrics by The Monkees- Hansen only quotes from the best.)
For those of you that have lived with a ghost or spirit know what I am talking about. About 10 years ago I was living in San Pedro, California. I had a nice little condo near Point Firman overlooking Catalina Island and the LA Harbor - where the Queen Mary is docked. The Pt. Firman area is one of the most haunted areas of California. Lots of stories, tours and sightings all in this one area.
One day I noticed that things in my guest bath had been taken out of the medicine cabinet and were sitting on the counter. I didn't have any guests over. In fact, I had been gone coaching for a few days. But no one had been in the condo. I put the items back in the medicine cabinet. Then it would happen again....and again, over a number of years. I would also hear the blinds move in the guest room and when I walked in they would be swaying back in forth. No windows open, no vents to blow air - they were just swinging.
One night I was sitting on my bed looking down the hallway and saw the figure of a man reflecting in the glass of a picture hanging in the hallway. There was no one in the hallway, but there was such a good reflection in the glass I could see the details of a man. His hair was bushy brown, his height about 5'10", his body was thin with curved shoulders and he was wearing a blue work shirt. He looked at me, smiled and then slowly faded into the nothing. I knew I had a spirit in the house! (Gin or Vodka?)

Needless to say, the coaching session was over when Bob and Brian ran from the condo into the street, refusing to come back into my haunted house! Grown men running from a ghost was just too funny! (Especially when they had their arms wrapped around each other for comfort. Bob later confessed he felt more secure when Brian would hold him. The 5th Wheel SWEARS- that's what happened! It's documented. Git-r-done!)
A few weeks later, I asked the owner of the building if there was anything strange about the condos. He asked me, "Why?" So I explained to him about the ghost and the man I saw in the glass. (Don't forget the two girly-men running from the apartment.) He got "white as a ghost" (Bum-chee! Cindy will be here all week!) and said I needed to tell his wife. So we went to the diner where she worked next door to the condos. I told her my story. She asked me to describe what the ghost looked like. When I told her, she ran from the room into her back office, grabbed a newspaper and returned. It was dated when the condo's were being built - 3 years earlier. There was a picture of a man. OH MY GOSH!!! It was the man I saw in my hallway! The same hair cut, the same shirt, the same everything. It was MY GHOST! (Quick, somebody call Jason and Grant and get
TAPS in here asap!) He had died in a freak accident on the site while they were building the condo. He was still there! (So was the trail of droppings left by Brian and Bob from the front door to their car.)

A few years later when I sold my condo, the ghost would show up from time to time. The people who bought the condo from me moved out a month later because they said it was haunted.
(...and now you know, the REST of the story.)
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