Monday, October 27, 2008

POLLS CLOSED: Music on MP3 Player

The 5th Wheel closed its voting booths and have the final tally on "What Style Of Music Is Performed On The MP3 Player?" The song was Surfer Girl by our current champions, OC Times. After 74 people voted, here are the results:
74% (55) -It's a barbershop quartet (if it sounds like a barbershop quartet...)

22% (19) -Something other than a barbershop quartet. (Alright, either 22% of the voters are idiots or they are a bunch of smart@$$es who want a job writing for The 5th Wheel. Sorry, we offer no benefits.)

FYI, 5% (4) voted for the Deagan Organ Chimes!?!?!?! The voters must have mistaken the clear high tones sung by tenor sensation Shawn York to be chimes. Wow, impressive!


Anonymous said...

Sweet! Isn't it "OC Times" though - no 'dots'?
I LOVE these good 'ol Deagan Organ Chimes!

The 5th Wheel said...

Picky-picky! I'll get rid of the dots. ;)

Anonymous said...

Deagan Organ Chimes are an acquired instrument that not everyone can play. I was one of the voters for this because I thought it was a dumb question for a poll.

Perhaps the 5th wheel needs some better writers for their polls!

Hmmm... I shall sign this....

No one ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love how you can tell when someone from the harmonet posts on this blog. Obvious! LOL

Anonymous said...

I have NEVER posted to the Harmonet, however, I have played the Organ Chimes for many years in California and thought I would try to lend some humor to this blog. HA HA