The 5th Wheel sat down with the great philosopher, Confusious to get his thoughts on barbershop quartet singing.
The5thWheel: It’s a great honor to be in your presence today.
Confusious: Have no friends not equal to yourself.
The5thWheel: Wow, gee… thank you. (blush) Since I’m sitting with one of the greatest philosophers in history, that’s a mighty fine compliment for you to say about me.
Confusious: He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good.
The5thWheel: It’s a great honor to be in your presence today.
Confusious: Have no friends not equal to yourself.
The5thWheel: Wow, gee… thank you. (blush) Since I’m sitting with one of the greatest philosophers in history, that’s a mighty fine compliment for you to say about me.
Confusious: He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good.
The5thWheel: I’m sorry… Let’s get right to the topic I wanted to share with you.

Confusious: Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
The5thWheel: (????) Dude, I’m not out to pop a cap in somebody’s @$$. Just chill and let me tell you what I was thinking.
Confusious: (Confusious... is... confused.)
The5thWheel: The other day I had a thought cross my mind and I wanted to get your input on it. Barbershop quartets were formed back in the late 19th century. The quartets sang the popular songs of the day such as Down By The Old Mill Stream, Let Me Call You Sweetheart and Sweet Adeline. Am I going slow enough for you to understand?
Confusious: It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
The5thWheel: Okay. Okay. Okay! Here’s my question, since quartets sang the popular songs of that time period, does that mean if barbershop quartets were formed today that in the future, we would be singing songs made popular by performers such as Maroon 5, Daughtry and Carrie Underwood?
Confusious: Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.
The5thWheel: That’s fine, but I’m talking about music here.
Confusious: I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
The5thWheel: Come on man, give me something to work with. Are we preserving the art form or the old songs?
Confusious: Study the past if you would define the future.
The5thWheel: I DON’T GET YOU. Are you just a walking quote book? You’re making me ill. I just wanna…
Confusious: He who eats many prunes, sits on toilet for many moons.
The5thWheel: ALLLLLLRIGHT ALREADY!!!!! (Recorder turned off)
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