Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The 5th Wheel: FACT or FICTION? MaxQ's New CD Project

The 5th Wheel has obtained some rather interesting bits of information regarding the new CD project that MaxQ has currently in production. Coming off their critically acclaimed (Who are the critics? Just wondering.) two-disc CD "For The Children", MaxQ is developing a sequel to the kiddie hit entitled, "For the Seniors." One of our spies risked their life dodging alligators ("Isn't she GORGEOUS?") in Tony DeRosa's backyard to come away with the cover for the new CD (Pictured below).
The 5th Wheel has made numerous calls to members of MaxQ, however nobody is answering the phone. We also tried to contact them through emails, but no replies have yet to end up in our mailbox. The 5th Wheel isn't sure if MaxQ is trying to keep this new project "Hush-Hush" or are being typical barbershoppers who never reply to emails and screen their phone calls. (Because of this, The 5th Wheel has changed our email address to

The 5th Wheel has in our possession a list of songs that may or may not be included on this project that, may or may not be in production. The songs on the list include:

Old Folks
From The First Hello To The Last Goodbye
I'm Gonna Live 'Til I Die
Bury Me Out On The Lone Prairie
I Wish I Were Eighteen Again
Good Old Fluffy Ruffle Days (Dr. Greg Lyne arrangement)
Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring

MaxQ is breaking new ground in the world of CD marketing!
For the first time in the history of selling music, when you purchase "For The Seniors", free health benefits will be included with the CD. Those benefits are: A prescription discount card, a vision plan and a paid up $5,000 life insurance policy (Immediate benefit, builds cash value and no waiting period). A pamphlet is included in the CD box which you can fill out and send back to the quartet. So, for all those show chairmans complaining about MaxQ's show fee, the next time you book them on your show, realize your money is bringing peace of mind to a family, knowing their loved one's "final expenses" are taken care of.
The 5th Wheel has no word yet as to a release date.

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