The 5th Wheel has been a huge supporter (athletic) of the youth movement in our Barbershop Harmony Society. If it weren't for the efforts from people such as Russ Squires (use to be a young lad, now he pretends to be), and Society Youth Staffer (sounds creepy!) James Estes, both advocates for bringing young singers into the Society, eventually we'd be having our afterglows at Forest Lawn (That reminds me, keep an eye out for a new post re MaxQ's latest CD project).
Fortunately, groups like OC Times,
Westminster, zero8 and Northwest Vocal Project are springing up all over the world, showing kids there's more in life than just sex, Sportscenter and Xbox. I don't know where barbershop quartets rank with those other "social activities", but I can guarantee it's at LEAST... second.
Fortunately, groups like OC Times,

On January 31st, 2009 the Society will be hosting the 2nd Annual Youth Barbershop Chorus Festival at the Mid-Winter Convention in Pasadena, CA. According to "Old Man" Squires, "Last
year we created a deadline for entry and had five choruses by that date. Of course, being 'youth choruses' we ended up with another three entries, before six actually showed." Squires (Beautifully captured on film, at left) stated the first festival had over 200 boys participate! The Marcsmen of San Marcos, Texas won the competition.

As of last week, Grampa Squires informed The 5th Wheel that they already have fourteen choruses entered to be in the festival with possibly four or five more to join in the competition. They are estimating anywhere from 500-600 guys to be onstage! "It's frickin' UNREAL," says Squires Sr.
Squires also pointed out, "The reason that so many guys can afford to come, is the Harmony Foundation picks up the tab." The Harmony Foundation actually covers all hotel, convention registrations, and a few meals. All the kids have to do is pay their own transportation. "It's pretty amazing," says Papa Squires.
The 5th Wheel wants to encourage you to get off your hind end and attend the Mid-Winter Conventon this year. In year's past, without question the Mid-Winter weekends haven't compared to the quality and fun of the summer International Conventions.

WARNING: With over 500 young men all gathered in one place, there's bound to be a lot of tag singing, pick-up games (Such as basketball, hackey sack, girls) and late-night streaking! (The first time in history there's been a night with more than one full moon.)
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