Make sure you visit The 5th Wheel on Monday! We will be "unveiling" (TADA!) a new project that requires your involvement and expertise. FINALLY, a chance for you to find a place on the web where you can voice your opinions... (cough!) a positive light! You will be given the opportunity (You, are so lucky) to lend your knowledge and experience so that others may gain fame and fortune. Let us be clear- YOU... will gain nothing! Sorry. (heh!) But understand, you could make a difference in the outcome of this project.
Have we built this up to be something larger than it really is? YES WE HAVE! Still... come visit The 5th Wheel tomorrow. When I say tomorrow, I mean Monday, as in the 20th of October, 2008.
Seriously, it will be a lot of fun if you contribute. If you don't, well... The 5th Wheel hopes that someday a big piano falls on your head and you die a slow death. Your choice! ("You chose... poorly.")
1 comment:
So, the big announcement is......
What a let down, but then again, after singing with Mike I'm use to let downs!
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