Wednesday, October 8, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: FRED Tenor Running For President

[UPDATE ALERT] See bottom of article.
Move over McCain and Obama! The 5th Wheel has just received word that a very famous barbershopper, Jared Carlson, Tenor of the 1999 International Champions FRED, has put his name on the 2008 Presidential ballot. The mature man whose style and elegance has graced the theaters across this great country prefers to be known as... "Pookie." You heard that right... Pookie. cough!
Pookie's campaign slogan, "Pookie for You-kie" is created with the idea in mind that Pookie is looking out for you! Pookie knows you need something new... YOU NEED CHANGE! Something the "other" candidates seem be ignoring and never mention in their stump speeches, banners and commericals. Heck, the DOW has dropped almost 1000 pts in two weeks! That's the kind of change Pookie brings to the American people.
This morning the first advertisement from the Pookie campaign was unveiled. Click "Pookie" for President to see his new advertisement.
Pookie has been a prominent figure within the barbershop world, donating much of his time and money to support the non-profit organization, the Barbershop Harmony Society. A man of great respect and stature, Pookie will be a strong representative for these United States of America.

The 5th Wheel immediately dispatched all its reporters to Atlanta, GA to get as much information on the candidate as possible. The 5th Wheel did check his public records and found several reports of battery. One report, back in 1997 involved abuse on a woman who was exiting her plane in the Atlanta Terminal. According to the report, Pookie and three other men described to be lanky, fat and ugly, viciously attacked this woman from out of nowhere. Eye witnesses couldn't tell if the woman was laughing or crying. No charges were filed.

The other counts on his record have to do with destruction of property, more specifically, stools. From what we've learned from friends of... Pookie, he wasn't a very good student and was constantly told to sit on a stool in the corner of the classroom with a pointy shaped hat on his head. Those close to him know that "The Pookster" has been going through therapy to help control his anger management. A restraining order has been put on Pookie. He is not allowed to come within 20 yards of a stool.

The 5th Wheel is hoping to get a response from the new candidate before we make any decision whether or not to endorse his campaign. In the meantime, check out our poll on the right hand column and vote.
Photo courtesy of Dan Proctor and photgraped by Lorin May
[UPDATE] An anonymous source came out to share with the readers of The 5th Wheel some possible scandalous information on the new candidate.
"I went to high school with Pookie... he was in trouble A LOT and responsible for one teacher's mental breakdown. It is believed that she is still wandering around in the parking lot, looking for her car!!!"
The 5th Wheel will stay on top of this story.


Anonymous said...

I went to high school with Pookie and I can tell you, he never had a cone shaped hat on his head! But, he was in trouble A LOT and responsible for one teacher's mental breakdown. It is believed that she is still wondering around in the parking lot, looking for her car!!!

Starnight1254 said...

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