Monday, October 13, 2008

The 5th Wheel: FRED FARRELL Tidbits!

The 5th Wheel knows you've been sitting at home wondering to yourself, "Gee, I wish I knew more about the life and times of super-cool Tenor, Fred Farrell from Crossroads." Read on brother, and prepare yourself for, "Farrell Trivia!"

The 5th Wheel received an email from one of our biggest fans, Dr. Jim Henry. Henry, Bass of the 2008 CSD Quartet Champions, Crossroads, gave us some fun insight on his outside counterpart, Fred Farrell. According to Henry, Crossroad's win this weekend at the CSD Fall Convention was the first Quartet District Championship for Farrell. For those who don't know, Farrell received two silvers and one gold medal with the 1989 Int'l Champs, The Second Edition. Farrell replaced gold medalist Allen Hatton, from Blugrass Studen Union fame AFTER The Second Edition had already won the CAR District Championship. The win this weekend was extra special for Farrell since the CSD was the District he grew up in as a little kid (Aaah... "Tito, get me some tissue.").

The 5th Wheel congratulates Crossroads on a job well done this weekend. Jolly, good show!

Photo courtesy of Dan Proctor and photographed by Lorin May

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