Monday, October 13, 2008

Pics from SUN

Check out some pictures from last weekend's SUN contest.

The SUN 2008 Quartet Champions, On Demand getting "comfortable" with each other on stage. On Demand is also the current 2008 Silver Medalists of the International Collegiate Championship that was held in Nashville earlier this year.

The 2nd place quartet, The Pursuit. They are a brand new quartet from the SUN District. The 5th Wheel doesn't know much about them yet. However, as soon as we check out their personal records at, I'm sure we'll have a LOT to share with you.

Another new quartet from SUN, Attraction, lighting up the stage in 3rd place. Did you ever think powder blue would make it back to the competition stage? The 5th Wheel tips its hat to Attraction for taking a risk. "Looks good man. I swear..."

Photos courtesy of Jennifer Conover

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