Monday, October 6, 2008

Cindy Hansen Ellis Update On Her Condition

I just wanted to take a moment and give ya'll an update on our favorite UBER-coach, Cindy Hansen Ellis. For those who don't know, Cindy was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder called Auto Immune Hymalitic Anima. Hansen explains, "One of the ways to treat the blood from killing itself is to remove your Spleen." It was suppose to be a simple outpatient procedure. However, the removal of the Spleen resulted in massive blood clots, particularly in her lungs. The blood clots closed off 100% of her right lung, 33% of the left lung as well as an 18 INCH CLOT in her left leg.

Needless to say, the Splenectomy failed miserably, which included several other complications that set her back even more, which is amazing because to know Cindy is to compare her to a lion. For all the time she spent traveling around the world coaching, I never saw her tire... EVER!

She is still working on removing the blood clots and unfortunately she's battling a disease that is life-threatening. On Wednesday she's headed to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN to see if they can find another way to fight the AIHA.

The 5th Wheel has known Cindy for over 20 years. She is one of the rare individuals within our hobby that has made a large impact on not only the art form, but the evolution of our Society. The theatrical performances by choruses and the comedic charms by several of our top performers are large in part due to Cindy's influence. She has coached not only the top choruses such as the Masters of Harmony and Vocal Majority, but also the smaller chapters that don't always get to have the top names come and coach them. She will never say no unless it's due to her schedule. Please leave a comment at the bottom of this post to show your support for Cindy and Dave.

Coming up... Cindy's "Top 10 reasons why it's great to be out of the hospital" and to keep in the spirit of Halloween, Cindy will share the true story of her "phantom roommate."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heard from Cindy the other day - her E-mails are always about what she *can* do about the illness, rather than what she can't - definitely an example to live by.

We're praying for you every day, Cindy! Keep up the positive spirit - we're behind you all the way!!!!