(Editor's note: The employees of The 5th Wheel are not responsible for the information or damage that may be caused by any anonymous sources reported on this blog. The reader is responsible for what they deem to be considered the truth, or utter nonsense.)
The tabloids have "come out" with a headline story that should rock the barbershop community. If People magazine reports this as a cover story, then it MUST be true!
An "anonymous" source has brought forth to The 5th Wheel information on our favorite quartet,

James Sabina, (Pictured at right) and tenor of the world famous Metropolis quartet, is seen posing with his newborn baby girl. Apparently, James had a secret that has finally been revealed!
This came out of nowhere!
Of course, this isn't the first time a member of Metropolis has made front page news of the ever so accurate and truthful, Screw Up Your Life... I mean, People magazine. In 2006, baritone Kelly Shepard (Pictured below) also had a revealing front cover announcement.

So, did Kelly have any influence over James' "choice of lifestyle?" Inquiring minds want to know.
We here at The 5th Wheel wish both these men the best of luck!
If you are interested in learning more about this quartet, here's a book you can purchase at most bookstores nationwide.
Not exactly news here. These two have been flaming up the stage for years. Dosn't mean we don't love them :)
They sure are two loveable "chaps!"
Nice job on the photos - that's hysterical!!!
This is news?!
I don't get it. Is this satire? Or are you just poking fun by calling someone gay in a public forum? Or just showing off photoshop skills? Sorry, I don't know the individuals, so perhaps the joke is lost on me.
Bob, unfortunately it is lost on you. It is a bit of an inside joke. 10 years ago we found the book, The Gay Metropolis. The quartet has been teased ever since. James and his wife just had their first baby three weeks ago. The Clay Aiken People magazine came out a week later. Metropolis bass Brian Philbin photoshopped James head in the picture. Yes, it's for satire and for previous hazing which most people know about. Metropolis is a comedy quartet and will stretch the boundries.
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