It's that time of year again when choruses have to drag out their sweaty, unwashed tuxedos from last July's International competition, and go through the qualifying rounds for next year's Big Dance. We've got some heavy hitters coming back, and some looking to prove their worth. The number one Big Daddy is of course, the Vocal Majority. They're going for gold #12! That's crazy! The big question on everybody's mind, is Jim Clancy retiring? Uh... at this point, I'm done wondering. When the man is dead and his ashes are spread all over the great big state of Texas, he'll be done directing. But until that time comes, he's the man. He loves that chorus too much. They love him too! cue audience... "ahh..." (tear)
The Ambassadors of Harmony will be pushing the VM pretty hard this year. Last year, the AOH had the motto, "One more point" after losing to Westminster in a tie breaking contest in 2007. Unfortunately, in 2008 they dropped seven points, cause the Masters tied Westminster's score from the previous year. However, the contest was a toss up. The AOH may have two silvers, but they are as good, if not better, than most of these champs. Unfortunately, only one can win. Expect big things from them. They are always a threat and an audience favorite.

Other choruses like Sound of the Rockies and The New Tradition will be in the running. Both chapters do entertaining packages. I just don't think their singing can match the precision of the top three. Also, the biggest little chorus from Canada, The Toronto Northern Lights is coming off a one year hiatus and should have their batteries recharged and ready to kick some "boot" (butt).
There is a poll on the right side of the page. Please cast your vote and let's see how these fall conventions play out. For scores and placement visit the Barbershop Harmony Society and the score archives.
Photos courtesy of Dan Proctor and Lorin May
Toronto Northern Lights are back this year, too. Alliance is still there... AVP still rising... Alexandria returning to strong from under Cerutti... Great Northern Union.
This year may even top the last two years of unbelievable chorus contests!
I can hardly wait to hear Voices in Harmony again - they were so wonderful last year and just keep improving!
So I've heard. You can't go wrong with the Doctor at the helm.
Why would you say the AOH "are as good, IF NOT BETTER, than most of these champs" (italics mine)? If they were better, they would have won at least one of these contests. They lost all three because they weren't better, even if they were close. Your bias and lack of logic are showing. That's why we have contests, to definitely decide who IS better on that given day.
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